The Glass Jug Celebrates 5-Year Anniversary Throughout 2019 — The Glass Jug Beer Lab

The Glass Jug Celebrates 5-Year Anniversary Throughout 2019

When people ask how it feels to have been in business for 5 years, I tell them that it seems weird. Some days, it feels like Katy and I have been running The Glass Jug our whole lives. It’s become who we are. But, then there are days where I feel like we just got this thing off the ground and by the time I took a breath, five years had passed.

I could reminisce about how things have changed and grown over the last five years all day, but I’ll spare you that for now. Instead, I wanted to fill you, our loyal followers, into some of the awesome things we are already planning to celebrate our 5-year anniversary throughout 2019.

Throughout the year, we’re going to be dropping some special merchandise just for the 5-year anniversary. We’re getting things started this week by rolling out our new 5-year anniversary glassware that is now for sale. It’s a small single-run of limited-edition glassware, so come pick some up while supplies last and help us celebrate every time you pour a beer!

We’ll also be rolling out new apparel later in the year featuring a 5-year anniversary emblem. These will be small runs and only produced one time, so keep an eye out for these to hit the shelves this summer.

In addition to merch, we will be releasing some special beers to commemorate the occasion. First, we are excited to be celebrating our 5-year anniversary in conjunction with the city of Durham’s 150th anniversary! The Glass Jug, along with six other Durham breweries are all going be releasing special “Durham 150” beers in April, so keep your eye out for something fun. More details on that coming very soon!

Additionally, we will be producing a 5-year anniversary beer to release in September, in conjunction with our actual 5-year anniversary date. We’re keeping it pretty under-wraps at the moment, but we can assure you it will be delicious and will be even better when poured into one of our 5-year commemorative glasses. We’ll be complimenting that release by re-brewing some of our favorite collaboration beers we have done over the last five years (remember the Triple Ginger Tripel?).

Be on the lookout throughout the year for updates on all of these items, as well as some other fun events we have planned, including a new Summerfest event (May 18th), a revamped summer music series, a new on-site beer festival (August 17th), and our biggest Oktoberfest event ever (September 21st)!

Oh, and because you’ve read this far, I’ll also let you in on a little secret. You just might see the first ever Glass Jug beers available in cans sometime in 2019. But, you didn’t hear that from me. ;)

Cheers to five awesome years and all of the great things to come!

- Chris
