Craft Beer Advent Calendars Return for 2019!

We’re bringing back one of our most popular promotions of the year! Each year, our team of elves package over 300 advent calendars. But, these are not the advent calendars you remember from your childhood, these are full of craft beer and cider!


Picture this - every day from December 1 through December 24, when you get home from work, you open up the fridge and reach into a glorious box of craft deliciousness and pull out a surprise beer each day. Then, as you settle in to enjoy your beer, you open up your email inbox to read all about today’s beer selection - some interesting tidbits about the brewery who made it and a little history of the beer and the style - so by the time you finish your beer, not only are you feeling great, but you’ve got some new craft beer knowledge to share with your friends!

And, what makes it even better is that we do all of the hard work for you. Our staff sources the beer and packages them into the Advent calendars ahead of time, so all you have to do is place your order (and pay for it), then swing by to pick it up fully-assembled before December 1st.

Thanks to Ryan over at Gusto Design for the design work, and Grandstand for handling the manufacturing and printing of the boxes, we have some amazing boxes that are a holiday work of art. These Advent calendars are full-color holiday-themed boxes with a perforated lid so that you can easily access each beer individually, without ruining the surprise of the other beers in the box.


In fact, these calendars make great gifts for friends, family, and co-workers. Just don’t wait until Christmas to give it to them! They’ll want to drink their beers along with everyone else from December 1st through the 24th. Oh, and the boxes are so nice, you don’t even have to waste any wrapping paper on it! They get to unbox a new beer from you every day!

Are you sold yet? Ready to buy one for yourself and one for everyone you know? Here are the important details you need to know:

  • Pre-Orders can be placed October 7 (today) through October 26 (or until we sell out - we can only make so many of these things. They’re very labor-intensive and we don’t want our staff to revolt or get carpal tunnel from packing so many boxes)

  • Within a few days of your pre-order, you will be sent an invoice that must be paid by October 30 or your order will be canceled. You may not get the invoice right away. We have to manually send them (for now), so bear with us. We have to spend some time each day making and selling beer, so we’ll get your invoice to you as soon as reasonably possible.

  • You can pick up your Advent calendar at The Glass Jug between November 20 and November 30 - no exceptions. No, we can’t mail them, they are too heavy and fragile. In-person pick-ups only.

OK, now head on over to place your pre-order now!

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